Tanzania’s government has announced plans to construct 1000 secondary school campuses across the country. The project is initialized to empower every child by providing an opportunity to have access to education to such a level.
Mr. David Silinde, Deputy Minister of State, made the announcement in answer to a question from Mr. Jafari Chaurembo (Mbagala MP). Unfortunately, no secondary schools have yet been established in the wards.
The Deputy Minister ensured that all wards that do not have the facility of education at the secondary school level across the country, will be a part of this 1000 secondary school building plan. He explained that “those indicated by the MP of Mbagala, Kilungule, and KibondeMaji Wards are among the wards that will gain from the project” MP Mbagala demanded to know the government’s proposed plan to provide educational funds to Temeke District Council.
He raised the question due to the urgent need for secondary schools in these wards. He noted the fact that the Mbagala Constituency has the largest number of primary and secondary school students in Tanzania. Mr.David Silinde further explained, in the financial year 2017-18 to 2019-20 government provided US $312,203.53 to build the new Marten Lumbanga Primary School and Dovya Primary School. The government intended to upgrade the education infrastructure in the Temeke District council.
The Deputy Minister added, during the financial year 2020-2021, the Temeke District Council has utilized its internal revenue of US $ 455,368.69 to build a one-story school building at Mbagala. The government has granted US $ 750,323.41 to Temeke District Council in the financial year 2021-2022. Of which US $659,767.14 are supposed to be allocated to Mbagala Constituency to build a new school in Chamazi Ward.